
Tuesday 29 October 2019

Rugby World Cup 2019

We have been learning about the Rugby World Cup and I learning about U.S.A
There are 327.2 million people in U.S.A. and the capital city of U.S.A is Washington. The main language is English. Finally the Major Religions are Roman Catholicism and one of their rugby players names is Nate Brakeley. These are some cool facts about the United States Of America

On the U.S.A flag there are 50 stars on the U.S.A flag and that means that there  are 50 states in United States Of America. 

There is a guy in U.S.A that is the president and his name is Donald Trump.

These are some most common animals in U.S.A ever and there are more but my favourite animals is tuna, rattle snakes and wolves probably the best one is the rattle snakes. 

One of the most common foods in U.S.A are pancakes.

You will need: 


Mix together and cook them for 2 minutes on each side.

add some strawberries, blue berries and maple syrup and then you have your nice lovely pancakes...

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